Something Corny? - Our Daily Green

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Something Corny?

Big Bad Corn


Unknown said...

This is one of Hubs soap boxes. Let the farmers farm with out subsidies. Let the people dictate what they want produced. It's simple economics. Capitalism. We'd have less health problems, more grass-fed beef, a different fuel solution (what about the grease cars you mentioned before). I said a total soap box for us and I can't go all into it on a comment. :) Great post!

FreshGreenKim said...

Ginger, thanks for sharing your thoughts & tell your husband I agree! A few years ago, we took a road trip to Mt. Rushmore, and driving through Iowa was truly amazing with the enormous corn fields. But now I realize just what the price is. We pay for it in taxes, in health, and actually, less efficiency. The corn ethanol is NOT a better fuel.

Unknown said...

I recently saw the movie Carbon Nation. People tend to think that corn crops are feeding people and providing fuel. The reality is that the majority of these crops aren't feeding people ... they are feeding livestock and not efficiently at that. The corn which does end up on our plates is distorted and unhealthy (don't even get me started on HFCS). Growing corn actually makes it more difficult for the land to produce anything else so ... it is preventing us from enjoying a healthy diversity in our diets. It contributes to drought and soil degradation. And because of subsidies and the low cost of these crops, they are preventing small farmers from making a living.

I recently read an article which said that crows won't eat GMO corn. These intelligent birds, who will usually eat about anything, are avoiding GMO corn. What do they know that we don't? Perhaps that GMO corn is linked to the breakdown of internal organs. Maybe we should take a lesson from wild "critters".