Children's Book Review: Love is the Color of a Rainbow - Our Daily Green

Friday, September 7, 2012

Children's Book Review: Love is the Color of a Rainbow

A few weeks ago, Our Daily Green was contacted by the author of a children's book to gauge our interest in reviewing her book. Author Kathy Parra thought it would be a good fit with this blog as it was published by Eco-Friendly Printer and a portion of the proceeds from the book sales supports nature and environmental organizations.

After a few exchanges back and forth, much to our delight, the Kathy also agreed to autograph her book for us to donate to our annual local Junior Achievement auction

But enough about the goodwill that the author and blogger have established, what about the book? 

As a parent, aunt, and all around lover of children, the book enchants me. Kathy's lovely rendition of seeing a rainbow with more than our eyes through the mother of a blind child is spectacular.

For example, as the mother wants her child to "see" green, she takes her to a willow tree and the daughter exclaims, "Mama, Nature is speaking to me! Green feels gentle."

The beautiful illustrations by Candace Keach capture the rainbow and child delight in beautiful watercolor prints.

This book is definitely the sort of book a parent reads to a child. With the soft cover and recycled paper pages, it's lovely, but not necessarily durable. Additionally, the vocabulary is an adult one expressing childlike joy. The font also is not the typical over-sized font of children's books. I can easily imagine curling up night after night and enjoying reading time.

Kathy Parra is not just a children's book author, but a true humanitarian. Through her website, she has established a very special project to commemorate the one year anniversary of Love is the Color of a Rainbow. From the website:

The idea behind the project is that truly love is the thread that links us all and continues to be so through out our lives and all life, while rainbow has been a treasure to share, it is the celebrated feedback from each of you that has touched my heart in ways that will forever be imprinted to all that which is love. Although Rainbow gives back regularly to environmental/nature organization, I felt/heard it time to share on a universal plane, by collectively creating a heart shaped fabric piece of art with various cloths thus it will then share the message of the love that links us all. So here’s how rainbow heart wishes creation to grow to be in design.

If you have any questions or you know for sure you wish to contribute to the project email me at or by visiting her Facebook Page or blog.

Rainbow Heart will require 6 inch in length by 2-inch wide strips of fabric. Send to Kathy. (she will share her address when you e-mail her.)

Questions you might have:  

  • Who can participate? Anyone, everyone and anywhere in the world who wishes to share  in and of Love is the Thread that Links Us Project, individuals, groups etc.  
  • Does it matter what color or kind of fabric? Yes and No, yes it will want to be the size shared and preferably cotton, nothing that will rip or shred too easily, as we want it to tie and hold together, and no as it can be any color you wish with any design, does not have to be fancy, but sturdy, if you have questions e-mail me. If you would like you might gather the children, cut strips from an old white sheet and have the children design there own! Fun.  
  • Is it okay if I send more then one strip? Yes! We want/need 888, so the more the better and as I shared there is rumor this is to be on going, so yes.  
  • What if I don't have time to cut the strips, or just want to donate fabric to the project, can I just send fabric? YES! if you do not have the time or do not wish to cut the strips just send whatever fabric you wish to share in participating! 
  • When will the project be complete? Rainbow Heart will collect 888 strips of fabric and connect them to form a heart shaped art piece. Once these are collected and connected and display location determined, mission accomplished! However there are rumors in the works that this will be an on-going project each year!  
  • Where will it be displayed? Where the actual artwork piece will be displayed is still under discussion with more than a few people at the moment.  
  • Why 888? The number 8 represents many things for many people, for me personally, it is about perfect rhythm, regeneration, and renewal, a sacred number to all that opens to that which is love. 
When we look through the eyes of a child the world becomes what it always is and has been, 
Love, Kathy Parra

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